We are trained by society to go to school to get trained for a job. That is the ‘rational’ thing to do. But it doesn’t lead you to the thing that would make your life feel worthwhile and make light you up. If it does, you are unusually fortunate.
Do you find you can’t wait for Friday at 5:00, when you can go home? During the week do you watch the clock at work? Do you feel as though you’ve settled for the safety of a paycheck and a humdrum life. If so, you have a job. But deep inside you also have a calling, something that you would love to do whether you succeeded or failed just for the love of it.
As Steve Jobs says, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t let the noise of other people’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow know what you want to become.”
Oprah clearly describes the different between a job and a calling in her life.
In her early working life she worked as a news anchor and reporter. She was always exhausted and had to drag herself into work. She knew she was misplaced and not being her authentic self. Her bosses didn’t like her work performance and let her know it. Then she was demoted to co-host a show called People are Talking, where she interviewed people.
She says, “After the first hour I felt lit up inside like I had come home to myself. There was a sense of knowing, resonating to the hairs on the back of my neck. My entire body told me this is what I was supposed to do. I was energized in a way that fueled every cell of my being. That day my “job” ended, and my calling “began.”
This can happen for you too. You are unique and have a contribution that only you can make.
If, right now, you’re not sure what your purpose is and are feeling stuck and dissatisfied with what you are doing, come to my free webinar, The Power of finding Your Purpose; 3 Keys to Getting Unstuck on Saturday September 25, 1:30-3:00 Pacific Standard Time. To register go to margaretblaine.coach/workshops